Audiovisual Artist in Santa Barbara, California

Welcome to Eric Cloutier’s art abode. Here reside paintings and films.

Eric in Sedona, AZ

Featured Paintings

  • RR1

    Radial Rainbow 1

    Round and round the rainbow goes, where it stops, nobody knows

    16” Canvas, Paint Pen

  • Ingested Exegete

    Ingested Exegete

    Consumed contemplation, exegesis being a “critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text or the bible.” Spurned from my love of Philip K. Dick's writing & fascination with his blinding pink light spiritual experience in which he came to understand our reality as a false reality masking his imprisonment in 1st century Rome & the being sent from God to reveal the truth & guide him.
    7” x 5” Canvas, Paint Pen

  • Scored Inner Thighs

    Scored Inner Thighs

    Self-inflicted suffering seeking an outlet: lets blood

    20” x 10” Canvas, Acrylic Paint

  • Ratty Inner Dimension

    Ratty Inner Dimension

    Imagine there’s nothing inside but what eats insides

    5” Cardboard, Oil Paint